1.1 用户应当同意本协议的条款并按照页面上的提示完成全部的注册程序。用户在进行注册程序过程中点击"同意条款并注册"按钮即表示用户与云标网络科技公司(以下简称云标)达成协议,完全接受本协议项下的全部条款。
1.2 用户注册成功后,该用户帐号和密码由用户负责保管;用户应当对以其用户帐号进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。
1.3 云标会员服务协议服务条款和公告可由云标公司随时更新,且无需另行通知。您在使用相关服务时,应关注并遵守其所适用的相关条款。
2.1 云标帐号(即云标用户ID)的所有权归云标,用户完成注册申请手续后,获得云标帐号的使用权。用户应提供及时、详尽及准确的个人资料,并不断更新注册资料,符合及时、详尽准确的要求。所有原始键入的资料将引用为注册资料。如果因注册信息不真实而引起的问题,并对问题发生所带来的后果,云标不负任何责任。如果因注册信息不真实或更新不及时而引发的相关问题,云标不负任何责任。
2.2 用户应当通过真实身份信息认证注册账号,且用户提交的账号名称、头像和简介等注册信息中不得出现违法和不良信息,经云标审核,如存在上述情况,云标将不予注册;同时,在注册后,如发现用户以虚假信息骗取账号名称注册,或其账号头像、简介等注册信息存在违法和不良信息的,云标有权不经通知单方采取限期改正、暂停使用、注销登记、收回等措施。
2.3 用户不应将其帐号、密码转让、出售或出借予他人使用,若用户授权他人使用帐户,应对被授权人在该帐户下发生所有行为负全部责任。
2.4 云标的隐私权保护声明,说明了云标如何收集和使用用户信息。您保证已经充分了解并同意云标可以据此处理用户信息。
2.5 在如下情况下,云标可能会披露您的信息:
2.6 您知悉并授权,云标仅在必需的情况下使用或与关联公司同步您的信息,以为用户提供征信相关服务。
2.7 为更好地向用户提供服务,您同意云标通过短信等形式向您发送相关商业性服务信息。
2.8 在您注册使用小达智显APP时,我们会收集您的设备标识OAID、获取已安装APP信息
3.1 用户在使用云标服务时,必须遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规的规定,用户应同意将不会利用本服务进行任何违法或不正当的活动,包括但不限于下列行为∶
1) 反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;
2) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;
3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的;
4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视、破坏民族团结的;
5) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
6) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
7) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
8) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权利的;
9) 含有虚假、有害、胁迫、侵害他人隐私、骚扰、侵害、中伤、粗俗、猥亵、或其它道德上令人反感的内容;
10) 含有中国法律、法规、规章、条例以及任何具有法律效力之规范所限制或禁止的其它内容的;
1) 未经允许,进入计算机信息网络或者使用计算机信息网络资源的;
2) 未经允许,对计算机信息网络功能进行删除、修改或者增加的;
3) 未经允许,对进入计算机信息网络中存储、处理或者传输的数据和应用程序进行删除、修改或者增加的;
4) 故意制作、传播计算机病毒等破坏性程序的;
5) 其他危害计算机信息网络安全的行为。
3.2 用户违反本协议或相关的服务条款的规定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,包括合理的律师费,您同意赔偿云标与合作公司、关联公司,并使之免受损害。对此,云标有权视用户的行为性质,采取包括但不限于删除用户发布信息内容、暂停使用许可、终止服务、限制使用、回收云标帐号、追究法律责任等措施。对恶意注册云标帐号或利用云标帐号进行违法活动、捣乱、骚扰、欺骗、其他用户以及其他违反本协议的行为,云标有权回收其帐号。同时,云标公司会视司法部门的要求,协助调查。
3.3 用户不得对本服务任何部分或本服务之使用或获得,进行复制、拷贝、出售、转售或用于任何其它商业目的。
3.4 用户须对自己在使用云标服务过程中的行为承担法律责任。用户承担法律责任的形式包括但不限于:对受到侵害者进行赔偿,以及在云标公司首先承担了因用户行为导致的行政处罚或侵权损害赔偿责任后,用户应给予云标公司等额的赔偿。
4.1 云标网络服务的具体内容由云标根据实际情况提供。
4.2 除非本服务协议另有其它明示规定,云标所推出的新产品、新功能、新服务,均受到本服务协议之规范。
4.3 为使用本服务,您必须能够自行经有法律资格对您提供互联网接入服务的第三方,进入国际互联网,并应自行支付相关服务费用。此外,您必须自行配备及负责与国际联网连线所需之一切必要装备,包括计算机、数据机或其它存取装置。
4.4 鉴于网络服务的特殊性,用户同意云标有权不经事先通知,随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部的网络服务(包括收费网络服务)。云标不担保网络服务不会中断,对网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性也都不作担保。
4.5 云标需要定期或不定期地对提供网络服务的平台或相关的设备进行检修或者维护,如因此类情况而造成网络服务(包括收费网络服务)在合理时间内的中断,云标无需为此承担任何责任。云标保留不经事先通知为维修保养、升级或其它目的暂停本服务任何部分的权利。
4.6 本服务或第三人可提供与其它国际互联网上之网站或资源之链接。由于云标无法控制这些网站及资源,您了解并同意,此类网站或资源是否可供利用,云标不予负责,存在或源于此类网站或资源之任何内容、广告、产品或其它资料,云标亦不予保证或负责。因使用或依赖任何此类网站或资源发布的或经由此类网站或资源获得的任何内容、商品或服务所产生的任何损害或损失,云标不承担任何责任。
4.7 用户明确同意其使用云标网络服务所存在的风险将完全由其自己承担。用户理解并接受下载或通过云标服务取得的任何信息资料取决于用户自己,并由其承担系统受损、资料丢失以及其它任何风险。云标对在服务网上得到的任何商品购物服务、交易进程、招聘信息,都不作担保。
4.8 6个月未登录的帐号,云标保留关闭的权利。
4.9 云标有权于任何时间暂时或永久修改或终止本服务(或其任何部分),而无论其通知与否,云标对用户和任何第三人均无需承担任何责任。
4.10 终止服务
5.1 用户专属权利
1. 权利人对涉嫌侵权内容拥有知识产权或其他合法权益和/或依法可以行使知识产权或其他合法权益的权属证明;
2. 请充分、明确地描述被侵犯了知识产权或其他合法权益的情况并请提供涉嫌侵权的第三方网址(如果有)。
3. 请指明涉嫌侵权网页的哪些内容侵犯了第2项中列明的权利。
4. 请提供权利人具体的联络信息,包括姓名、身份证或护照复印件(对自然人)、单位登记证明复印件(对单位)、通信地址、电话号码、传真和电子邮件。
5. 请提供涉嫌侵权内容在信息网络上的位置(如指明您举报的含有侵权内容的出处,即:指网页地址或网页内的位置)以便我们与您举报的含有侵权内容的网页的所有权人/管理人联系。
6. 请在权利通知中加入如下关于通知内容真实性的声明: “我保证,本通知中所述信息是充分、真实、准确的,如果本权利通知内容不完全属实,本人将承担由此产生的一切法律责任。”
7. 请您签署该文件,如果您是依法成立的机构或组织,请您加盖公章。
云标科技有限公司 产品开发部
我们收集您的 Open Anonymous Identifier(OAID)以便匿名识别您的设备,并改进我们的服务。OAID 用于分析使用模式。我们不会将您的 OAID 与个人身份信息关联或出售给第三方,除非法律要求或为服务提供商提供支持。我们采取适当措施保护您的数据安全。有关详细信息或管理权限,请联系我们。
我们的产品基于DCloud uni-app(5+ App/Wap2App)开发,应用运行期间需要收集您的设备唯一识别码(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息、OAID)以提供统计分析服务,并通过应用启动数据及异常错误日志分析改进性能和用户体验,为用户提供更好的服务。
10.1 本协议的订立、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。
10.2 如双方就本协议内容或其执行发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向云标所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。
10.3 云标未行使或执行本服务协议任何权利或规定,不构成对前述权利或权利之放弃。
10.4 如本协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍应有效并且有约束力。
1.1 Users must agree to the terms of this agreement and complete the entire registration process as prompted on the page. By clicking the "Agree to Terms and Register" button during the registration process, the user acknowledges and agrees to enter into an agreement with Yunbiao Network Technology Company (hereinafter referred to as "Yunbiao"), and fully accepts all the terms under this agreement.
1.2 After successful registration, the user is responsible for safeguarding their account and password. The user shall be legally responsible for all activities and events conducted using their account.
1.3 The service terms and announcements of the Yunbiao Membership Service Agreement may be updated by Yunbiao at any time without prior notice. When using the relevant services, you should pay attention to and comply with the applicable terms.
Before using the services provided by Yunbiao, you should carefully read this Service Agreement. If you do not agree with this Service Agreement or any modifications made to it from time to time, you may actively cancel the services provided by Yunbiao. Once you use the Yunbiao services, it is deemed that you have understood and fully agreed to all the contents of this Service Agreement, including any modifications made by Yunbiao to the agreement at any time, and you will become a Yunbiao user.
2.1 The ownership of the Yunbiao account (i.e., the Yunbiao user ID) belongs to Yunbiao. After completing the registration process, the user is granted the right to use the Yunbiao account. The user should provide timely, detailed, and accurate personal information and continuously update the registration details to meet these requirements. All original input data will be referred to as the registration information. Yunbiao is not responsible for any issues or consequences arising from inaccurate registration information. Yunbiao is not liable for any problems caused by false or outdated registration information.
2.2 The user must register an account using their real identity information. The account name, profile picture, and bio submitted by the user must not contain any illegal or inappropriate content. After review by Yunbiao, if such content is found, the registration will not be approved. Additionally, if after registration, it is discovered that the user has used false information to obtain the account name or that their account profile, picture, or bio contains illegal or inappropriate content, Yunbiao reserves the right, without prior notice, to take unilateral actions such as requiring correction within a specified time, suspending use, canceling the registration, or reclaiming the account.
2.3 The user shall not transfer, sell, or lend their account or password to others. If the user authorizes another person to use the account, the user will be fully responsible for all actions performed under that account by the authorized person.
2.4 Yunbiao's privacy protection statement explains how Yunbiao collects and uses user information. You guarantee that you have fully understood and agreed that Yunbiao may process user information based on this statement.
2.5 Yunbiao may disclose your information under the following circumstances:
(1) With your prior authorization;
(2) When you use shared features;
(3) As required by laws, regulations, legal procedures, or mandatory requirements from government authorities;
(4) For academic research or public interest purposes;
(5) To protect Yunbiao's legitimate rights and interests, such as investigating, preventing, or addressing fraud or security issues;
(6) In accordance with the relevant service terms or user agreements.
2.6 You acknowledge and authorize Yunbiao to use or synchronize your information with affiliated companies only when necessary, in order to provide credit-related services.
2.7 To better serve users, you agree that Yunbiao may send you relevant commercial service information via SMS or other methods.
2.8 When you register and use the Xiaoda Zhixian APP, we will collect your device identifier (OAID) and information about installed apps.
3.1 When using Yunbiao services, users must comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. Users agree not to engage in any illegal or improper activities using this service, including but not limited to the following behaviors:
(1) Uploading, displaying, posting, disseminating, or transmitting information containing any of the following content:
1) Opposing the fundamental principles established by the Constitution;
2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting national power, or undermining national unity;
3) Damaging national honor and interests;
4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
5) Disrupting national religious policies, promoting cults, and superstitions;
6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or undermining social stability;
7) Disseminating obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, murderous, terrorist content, or inciting crime;
8) Insulting or defaming others, infringing upon others' legal rights;
9) Containing false, harmful, coercive, infringing upon privacy, harassment, defamation, vulgar, obscene, or other morally objectionable content;
10) Containing any other content restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, rules, ordinances, or any legally effective norms;
(2) The network service system shall not be used for any illegal purposes;
(3) Users are prohibited from using Yunbiao services for the following activities:
1) Unauthorized access to computer information networks or using computer information network resources;
2) Unauthorized deletion, modification, or addition of computer information network functions;
3) Unauthorized deletion, modification, or addition of data and applications stored, processed, or transmitted in computer information networks;
4) Intentionally creating and spreading computer viruses or other destructive programs;
5) Any other activities that endanger the security of computer information networks.
3.2 If the user violates this agreement or relevant service terms, leading to any claims, demands, or losses made by third parties, including reasonable legal fees, you agree to indemnify Yunbiao and its partners, affiliates, and hold them harmless. In such cases, Yunbiao has the right to take actions, including but not limited to deleting the user’s posted content, suspending usage rights, terminating services, restricting usage, recovering the Yunbiao account, and pursuing legal responsibility. For malicious account registration or using Yunbiao accounts for illegal activities, disruption, harassment, fraud, deceiving other users, and other violations of this agreement, Yunbiao has the right to recover the account. Furthermore, Yunbiao will assist in investigations as required by judicial authorities.
3.3 Users shall not copy, replicate, sell, resell, or use any part of this service or the use or access to this service for any other commercial purposes.
3.4 Users shall bear legal responsibility for their actions during the use of Yunbiao services. Legal responsibilities include, but are not limited to, compensating those harmed, and if Yunbiao has to bear administrative penalties or infringement compensation due to user behavior, the user shall compensate Yunbiao accordingly.
4.1 The specific content of Yunbiao's network services is provided by Yunbiao based on actual circumstances.
4.2 Unless otherwise expressly stated in this service agreement, any new products, features, or services launched by Yunbiao are subject to the provisions of this service agreement.
4.3 To use this service, you must be able to access the international internet through a third party that legally provides you with internet access services, and you shall bear the related service costs. In addition, you must equip yourself with all necessary equipment for connecting to the internet, including but not limited to a computer, modem, or other access devices, and you are responsible for such equipment.
4.4 Due to the nature of network services, users agree that Yunbiao has the right to change, interrupt, or terminate part or all of the network services (including paid network services) at any time without prior notice. Yunbiao does not guarantee that network services will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, security, or accuracy of the network services.
4.5 Yunbiao may need to regularly or irregularly conduct maintenance or repairs on the platform or related equipment providing network services. If such situations cause interruptions to network services (including paid services) within a reasonable period, Yunbiao will not be held liable. Yunbiao reserves the right to suspend any part of this service for maintenance, upgrades, or other purposes without prior notice.
4.6 This service or third parties may provide links to other websites or resources on the international internet. Since Yunbiao cannot control these websites or resources, you understand and agree that Yunbiao is not responsible for the availability of such websites or resources. Yunbiao is also not responsible for any content, advertisements, products, or other materials on these websites or resources, nor does it guarantee or take responsibility for them. Yunbiao will not be liable for any damages or losses arising from using or relying on any content, goods, or services provided by such websites or resources.
4.7 Users explicitly agree that the risks associated with using Yunbiao's network services are solely their own responsibility. Users understand and accept that downloading or obtaining any information or materials through Yunbiao services is at their own risk, and they are responsible for system damage, data loss, and other risks. Yunbiao makes no warranties regarding any goods, shopping services, transaction processes, or recruitment information obtained through the service website.
4.8 Yunbiao reserves the right to close accounts that have not logged in for 6 months.
4.9 Yunbiao has the right to modify or terminate this service (or any part of it) temporarily or permanently at any time, with or without notice, and Yunbiao shall not be liable to users or any third parties.
4.10 Termination of Service
You agree that Yunbiao may, at its sole discretion and for any reason, including but not limited to prolonged inactivity (more than one year) or if Yunbiao believes you have violated the letter or spirit of this service agreement, terminate your password, account, or use of this service (or any part of it), and remove and delete any content you have within the service. You agree that any service provided under this service agreement may be interrupted or terminated without prior notice. You acknowledge and agree that Yunbiao may immediately close or delete your account, all related information and files, and/or prohibit continued use of those files or services. Furthermore, you agree that Yunbiao shall not be liable to you or any third parties for any interruption or termination of service, or for the closure or deletion of your account and related information and files.
5.1 User Exclusive Rights
Yunbiao respects the intellectual property and legal rights of others and urges users to also respect intellectual property and the legal rights of others. If you believe your intellectual property or other legal rights have been infringed, please provide Yunbiao with the following information:
Please note: If the statements in the rights notice are false, the submitter of the rights notice will bear all legal responsibilities arising from it (including but not limited to compensation for various costs and legal fees). If the individual or organization is unsure whether the information available on the internet infringes on their intellectual property or other legal rights, Yunbiao recommends that they first consult professionals.
To enable Yunbiao to effectively process the rights notice from the individual or organization, please use the following format (including the item numbers of each clause):
1. Proof of ownership of intellectual property or other legal rights, and/or proof that the intellectual property or other legal rights can be exercised by the rights holder;
2. Please fully and clearly describe the situation in which the intellectual property or other legal rights have been infringed and provide the URL of the suspected infringing third party (if available).
3. Please specify which content on the suspected infringing webpage infringes upon the rights mentioned in item 2 above.
4. Please provide the contact details of the rights holder, including name, a copy of the ID card or passport (for individuals), a copy of the organization registration certificate (for entities), communication address, phone number, fax, and email.
5. Please provide the location of the suspected infringing content on the information network (e.g., specify the source of the infringing content, such as the webpage address or location within the webpage) so that we can contact the owner/administrator of the webpage containing the infringing content.
6. Please include the following declaration regarding the authenticity of the notice content: "I guarantee that the information in this notice is complete, true, and accurate. If any part of this rights notice is not entirely accurate, I will bear all legal responsibility arising from it."
7. Please sign this document, and if you are a legally established institution or organization, please affix your official seal.
Please send the above information and contact details in writing to the following address:
10D, 10th Floor, KeShi Building B, No. 28 Jia, Information Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Yunbiao Technology Co., Ltd. Product Development Department
Postal Code: 100085
We collect your Open Anonymous Identifier (OAID) to anonymously identify your device and improve our services. OAID is used to analyze usage patterns. We will not associate your OAID with personal identity information or sell it to third parties, unless required by law or to support service providers. We take appropriate measures to protect your data security. For detailed information or to manage permissions, please contact us.
We may access your camera when using our app or services. The image or video data we collect is used for the following purposes:
Providing functionality: such as scanning QR codes or taking photos.
Enhancing user experience: improving the app's features and performance.
We will search for nearby devices based on user-authorized geographic location information. After you grant location permissions, with your authorization, we will use the geographic location information related to the functionality (such as precise location information and Bluetooth) to complete the matching. Precise location information is considered sensitive personal information, and if you refuse to authorize location permissions, you will not be able to use this matching feature.
Sensitive data, core algorithm logic, version content, etc., need to be protected. We use security reinforcement to support local resource encryption, effectively preventing attackers from stealing sensitive user data.
Our products are developed based on DCloud uni-app (5+ App/Wap2App). During the application’s operation, we need to collect your device's unique identifier (IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA, SIM card IMSI information, OAID) to provide statistical analysis services. We also analyze application launch data and error logs to improve performance and user experience, offering better services to users.
10.1 The conclusion, execution, interpretation of this agreement, and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
10.2 If any dispute arises between the parties regarding the content or execution of this agreement, both parties should attempt to resolve it through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit in the People's Court where Yunbiao is located.
10.3 Yunbiao’s failure to exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of this service agreement does not constitute a waiver of such rights or provisions.
10.4 If any provision of this agreement is found to be completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and binding.